Author: Chris Ellickson

JD Steele this Friday July 19th!

Please join us in welcoming JD Steele with the Macphail Community Youth Choir & the Mill City Singers! Check out last years concert highlights:

Ticket to Brasil this Friday July 12th

Ticket To Brasil is a unique international ensemble that has performed at a number of local as well as international events including the Winnipeg Jazz Festival, MN Orchestra SommerFest, Twin Cities Jazz Festival, Bloomington...

Friday’s Concert POSTPONED

As the Apple Valley Freedom Celebration has been moved to Friday, July 5th due to weather; the Alex Rossi Band’s concert has been postponed to Saturday, September 14th from 2 to 4p.m. at the...

Friday’s Concert POSTPONED

As the Apple Valley Freedom Celebration has been moved to Friday, July 5th due to weather; the Alex Rossi Band’s concert has been postponed to Saturday, September 14th from 2 to 4p.m. at the...